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Simon Withers

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Born on 27th October 1982, Simon Withers was one of the two founding members of LWG.  The Vengeance series of novels was originally conceived by him, and he freely admits being influenced by Star Trek and Star Wars.  The first novella, once titled "Vengeance is Sweet", was recently entered in a writer's competition, under the more "serious" name of Rightful Vengeance.  Sadly, the result of this competition wasn't what Simon was hoping for, but undeterred he continued with his writing.  Interestingly enough though, this was not Simon's first attempt at writing a book.  The first time he set fingers to keyboard, (pen to paper didn't seem appropriate), was to co-write a humorous science fiction novel called the Amazing Adventures of Dudley Dull.  This unfinished atrocity, which was co-written by Richard Bailey, is available from LWG, just contact the site owner. 

At A-level, Simon was described as a "mathematician doing languages", by his teachers and thus far, all attempts to get him committed have failed.  The A-levels he took were Maths, Further Maths, French and German.  At degree level, he is now studying maths at York University

When he isn't writing (or doing his homework), Simon enjoys playing badminton, reading, "messing around on the Internet", playing electric guitar, and on top of all that, he finds time to spend with his girlfriend, Tina.  He is a regular attendee at St. Cross Church, Knutsford, where he is a senior altar server and assistant sacristan. In the future, he is afraid that he'll become an accountant.  Simon lives in Knutsford, Cheshire, with his mother.